Use "he is but a|he be but a" in a sentence

1. He can be very charming, but he is fundamentally a bully.

2. Cheerless He thereby incurred a Cheerless gratitude, but he is a man willing to be disliked.

3. He could be a severe disciplinarian but he was not a rigid man.

4. He is nothing but a hoodlum!

5. He is a fool who cannot be angry, but he is a wise man who will not. 

6. Oh, he would be a doctor, an apothecary, but he was also a poisoner.

7. He claimed to be an atheist, but he admitted that each time he delivered a baby, he could not help but marvel, “How perfect the human body is!

8. Older he undoubtedly is, but he is not a jot wiser.

9. He is a very famous singer but he is completely unpretentious.

10. He may be a talented shot-maker, but as a big match strategist, he is an acknowledged fool.

11. But, Liza, he is a little kinky.

12. He is a mischievous but lovable boy.

13. He looks like a saint but the devil he is. 

14. He may be selfish and insensitive, but she is a bit of a doormat.

15. He describes himself as a doctor, but I feel he is a quack.

16. He may be a homo but you're off the wall.

17. He is a nice geezer, but a little talkative.

18. He had a fever last night, but he seems to be over it now.

19. ( Laughter ) He said, " But I wanted to be a fireman. "

20. But he was a smoker.

21. He is well-intentioned but a poor administrator.

22. Apparently he is a friendly and kind man, but actually he is a serial killer

23. This is a disappointment, but he remains undaunted.

24. * The grizzly is a really remarkable creature, but he must be admired from a distance.

25. 12 He is set upon by adversities; but he sings a song.

26. Yes, he must be sincere, but more is required.

27. He is young, to be sure, but very experienced.

28. But he may not be alive.

29. 16 He used to be a Liberal, but now he's a Green.

30. He was loud and self-confident, but he had a right to be: he had a knack for picking winners.

31. I may be a bastard, but he is my father and Robb is my brother.

32. Indeed, he is a skilled musician, but he is an even better naval commander

33. Po, he may be a monster, but he's still your father.

34. But a few sidelong glances revealed them to be He-Shes.

35. Thompson is a "Controversialist", but he knows what he is doing.Blogposts

36. 26 But on the Latin battlefields he is not a man, but a fearful prodigy.

37. He pretended to be affronted, but inwardly he was pleased.

38. He runs into a strange mountain man...but is he friend or foe?

39. Bunghole was shown to be a good friend to Jeffy, but, he is actually evil in reality since he

40. He was a good man, but he wasn't a soul mate.

41. But he s doing remarkably well considering he is a natural right winger.

42. Point To be a woman behind the man is good, but he must be a strong-minded man.

43. He is really a very powerful, but wicked, angel.

44. 13 He used to wrok as a newsagent,( but now he is a teacher.

45. He is but limbs, dangling from a skewered trunk.

46. He is just a passerby, but you are not.

47. He is a great tactician, but an inadequate strategist.

48. He sees a hamster. It is cute, but It'squeals.

49. He is also a diplomat, but senior to me.

50. He is extremely insinuating , but it's a vulgar nature.

51. But he ruled like a sovereign.

52. But he was a confirmed teetotaller.

53. But he has a criminal-instinct.

54. But then he had a brainwave.

55. He might be a crack-addled, wife-abusing yahoo, but he refuses to abandon his kids.

56. A sudra may prove to be a great warrior, but he will never be allowed.

57. He is not Troy Aikman, but neither is he a renegade biker or a glass-eating zany.

58. But he could be on the run.

59. He wrote a good speech, but he mangled it up.

60. But he can be sloppy about detail.

61. He contributes Belligerence, but he also contributes a certain serenity

62. He was a mean bastard, but he only hurt me.

63. 'He is happy but not rich' is the converse of 'He is rich but not happy'.

64. Mei is a peerless artist, but he is also a lonely mortals.

65. He gave a great performance, but he was very humble.

66. 24 He might be devious, but he was not without principles.

67. 23 He looked like a postman but he was really a fake.

68. He bellows like a bull, but is weak as a bulrush.

69. He is a teacher by occupation but a philosopher by inclination.

70. He is a willing horse but he always seems to get the rotten jobs.

71. He is a brusque person who has a tendency to be dismissive, but he is Accentuating the winning side of his personality, he is trying to convince people that he is a candidate with mass appeal

72. He may be dexterous at football, but he is very clumsy on the dance floor.

73. 14 Daine might be a novice Dreamer, but he was learning fast.

74. He says he thought he'd give it a try, but he got stuck.

75. He thought he was going to flunk chemistry, but he got a D.

76. He dragged the match to a tiebreak and lost it but he really couldn 't be bothered.

77. He has stopped taking heroin now, but admits candidly that he will always be a drug addict.

78. But he is a Kingsguard, forbidden from marriage or inheritance.

79. He is a good boy, but bad companions misled him.

80. Destroy the lion while he is yet But a whelp.